Table of Contents

Basic git. Interactive.

The lecture is scheduled on Day 1, Tuesday morning.

Lecturers: Emanuele Olivetti and Rike-Benjamin Schuppner.

Course Material

Outline of the lecture and demos:


Exercises are on a separate page


Git repositories to be used during the school are hosted on Every students has an account which can be used only for repository access (see the list of login names). Authentication is performed with the ssh public/private key-pair installed on every USB stick. You don't need any special setup: when you run

git clone <username>


git clone <username>

ssh will use the key automatically.

Weblinks and hints

For more control about what files to add to the staging area, it is often practical to use a graphical program. ‘git gui’ usually comes with the distribution and allows for easily picking the files you want to include in the next commit. (There is a share of other graphical tools for any OS available.)

For a common development workflow, have a look at “A successful Git branching model” and there is also a streamlined set of commands especially for this workflow which automatically takes care of switching the branches easily. “Why aren’t you using git-flow?”

Additional notes