a Summer School by the G-Node and the Physik-Institut, University of Zurich
This year’s presentation: pelita_2013.pdf
The results of the tournament-2013.
Main repository: https://github.com/ASPP/pelita
Documentation: http://aspp.github.io/pelita/
A few notes:
git config –global user.name
. If not, please set it.humans.txt
file to your group repository to tell us, who you are.Additional players:
From inside the pythonschool network, each group can play against some pre-written players. Works only with the ‘special’ laptop with the post-it on it.
The port numbers are different for each group and there are currently two bots to choose from.
## Group 0: ./pelitagame Group0Team tcp://*:50000 ./pelitagame Group0Team tcp://*:50001
## Group 1: ./pelitagame Group1Team tcp://*:50010 ./pelitagame Group1Team tcp://*:50011
## Group 2: ./pelitagame Group2Team tcp://*:50020 ./pelitagame Group2Team tcp://*:50021
## Group 3: ./pelitagame Group3Team tcp://*:50030 ./pelitagame Group3Team tcp://*:50031
## Group 4: ./pelitagame Group4Team tcp://*:50040 ./pelitagame Group4Team tcp://*:50041
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