Please do explore beyond the problems given, and feel free to ask questions at any time.
Implement a function in Cython that computes x**3 - 4x + 2 on each element of a large floating point array. Is this function faster than NumPy by default? If so, can you explain why?
Benchmarking the NumPy code in IPython:
import numpy as np x = np.linspace(0, 1, 10000) %timeit x**3 - 4*x + 2
(do the same for your Cython code)
In the wrapping directory is a simple C library computing the sin elementwise for a Numpy array. The header stuff.h defines a function with the signature:
void compute(int n, double *input, double *output)
which takes two C arrays of doubles containing n doubles.
Write a Cython wrapper:
def do_compute(double[::1] input_array): ... return output_array
for this function. Note: whenever ::1 is specified for an axis, it means that that dimension should be contiguous in memory.
You can find the pointer to an array with, e.g., &input_array[0, 0]. E.g., this will yield the equivalent of double *, ready for use in C.
The behaviour of the function can be verified with
The Game of Life is a well-known cellular automaton that exhibits interesting behavior. It is defined on a grid of cells, where each cell has 8 neighbors:
......... ......... ...oxo... ......... .........
The update rule to get a new state from the old one is:
Write a Cython function life_update(old_state, new_state) that takes an N x N Numpy array old_state of type int containing the old state, and writes the new state to a similar array new_state. Just use four nested for-loops, but remember to add type declarations.
Image files containing well-known starting shapes are supplied (use matplotlib.pyplot.imread to read them into Numpy arrays). Assign them at the center of a big grid, and see what happens!
These examples come from the very interesting Game of Life simulator Golly.
Animation in Matplotlib
The Matplotlib gallery contains an example on how to animate an image.
Implement an L-system in Cython. Try, for example, to build a Sierpinski Triangle or the Dragon Curve. If you want, you can first implement it in pure Python, and then add the type information later.
Use your Cython program to generate coordinates, then simply "connect the dots" using matplotlib (import matplotlib.pyplot as plt; plt.plot(...)).
Cython can accelerate operations on non-numerical types too. For example, if you store your coordinates in a list, you can use:
cdef list L = []For dictionaries, the type is dict.