
Firstname Lastname Nationality Affiliation
Alexander van Meegen Germany Germany
Alexander Genauck Germany Germany
Alfredo Carella Argentina Norway
Alicja Krześniak Poland Poland
Allan Mancoo Mauritius Portugal
Anne Markensteijn Netherlands Netherlands
Barbara Cervantes Mexico Germany
Caitlin Duncan United States of America Germany
Carlos Echeverría Serur Mexico Germany
Christoph Jäggli Switzerland Switzerland
Daniel Margulies United States of America France
David Klindt Germany Germany
Diana Bocancea Romania Finland
Franziska Schumann Germany Germany
Gabriella Lapesa Italy Germany
Giorgia Carra Italy Belgium
Heiko Stemmann Germany Germany
Irene Sophia Plank Austria Germany
Junya Inoue Japan Germany
Katharine Shapcott United Kingdom Germany
Lei Zhang China Germany
Lindsay Coome Canada Canada
Lisa Schwetlick Germany Germany
Luciano Andrés Masullo Argentina Argentina
Luis García Ramos Colombia Germany
Luka Železnik Slovenia Austria
Maciej Jedynak Poland France
Max Nolte Germany Switzerland
Michał Czerwiński Poland Poland
Pamela Hathway United Kingdom United Kingdom


Applicants Participants
Pool 188 30
Nationalities 43 17
Countries of affiliation 29 13
Gender: other 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
Gender: female 66 (35.1%) 13 (43.3%)
Gender: male 122 (64.9%) 17 (56.7%)
Position: PhD student 81 (43.1%) 19 (63.3%)
Position: Master student 38 (20.2%) 4 (13.3%)
Position: Post-Doctorate 24 (12.8%) 4 (13.3%)
Position: Employee 14 (7.4%) 0 (0.0%)
Position: Bachelor student 14 (7.4%) 1 (3.3%)
Position: Other 13 (6.9%) 0 (0.0%)
Position: Professor 3 (1.6%) 2 (6.7%)
Position: Technician 1 (0.5%) 0 (0.0%)

Details for Participants

BORN Count
1972 1 (3.3%)
1980 2 (6.7%)
1984 1 (3.3%)
1985 3 (10.0%)
1986 2 (6.7%)
1987 2 (6.7%)
1988 2 (6.7%)
1989 4 (13.3%)
1990 1 (3.3%)
1991 4 (13.3%)
1992 4 (13.3%)
1993 2 (6.7%)
1994 1 (3.3%)
1995 1 (3.3%)
Germany 7 (23.3%)
Poland 3 (10.0%)
Mexico 2 (6.7%)
United Kingdom 2 (6.7%)
Argentina 2 (6.7%)
United States of America 2 (6.7%)
Italy 2 (6.7%)
Switzerland 1 (3.3%)
Netherlands 1 (3.3%)
Slovenia 1 (3.3%)
Mauritius 1 (3.3%)
China 1 (3.3%)
Japan 1 (3.3%)
Austria 1 (3.3%)
Romania 1 (3.3%)
Colombia 1 (3.3%)
Canada 1 (3.3%)
Germany 15 (50.0%)
Switzerland 2 (6.7%)
France 2 (6.7%)
Poland 2 (6.7%)
Netherlands 1 (3.3%)
Austria 1 (3.3%)
Portugal 1 (3.3%)
Norway 1 (3.3%)
United Kingdom 1 (3.3%)
Argentina 1 (3.3%)
Belgium 1 (3.3%)
Finland 1 (3.3%)
Canada 1 (3.3%)
No 17 (56.7%)
Yes 13 (43.3%)
0 17 (56.7%)
1 3 (10.0%)
2 7 (23.3%)
3 3 (10.0%)
User 15 (50.0%)
Minor contributions (bug reports, mailing lists, …) 14 (46.7%)
Project membership 1 (3.3%)
Competent/Proficient 30 (100.0%)
Competent/Proficient 17 (56.7%)
Novice/Advanced beginner 13 (43.3%)
VCS Count
git 25 (83.3%)
No, I don't habitually use a VCS 5 (16.7%)

Former Students